
Dainty Apartments, Off Kiambu Road

opening Hrs

Mon - Fri 7:30 am to 4:30 pm

Managed Whistle-blowing Services

Your Trusted
Whistleblower Partner for Managed
Complaint Resolution

The Managed Whistle-Blowing Solution from SFS is a comprehensive service created to assist businesses in managing the risk associated with employee whistleblowing and protecting their reputation. Employees can use the service's safe, user-friendly online reporting tool to voice any concerns they may have about suspected misconduct or unethical behavior.

The Managed Whistle-Blowing Service from SFS is designed to enable enterprises to look into, address, and monitor all whistleblowing reports. Employees can submit their reports and receive comments through a secure web portal as part of the service in a discreet manner. Additionally, the service offers the capability of custom report creation and report progress tracking.

A set of tools is also available through SFS's Managed Whistle-Blowing Service to assist organizations in responding to any allegations of impropriety or unethical behavior. This includes the capacity to look into and address complaints, as well as the capacity to launch training and awareness initiatives to aid in averting problems in the future.

  • Higher Employee Morale: An efficient whistleblowing service can contribute to a happier and more effective work environment. The knowledge that there is a means to report problems in an anonymous manner can boost morale and allay employees' fears of being punished for speaking up.
  • Strengthened Internal Controls: SFS's managed whistleblower service aids in ensuring that businesses have solid internal controls in place to safeguard their operations and assets. Fraud, corruption, and other unethical behavior may be lessened as a result.
  • Early Problem Detection: SFS's supervised whistle-blowing service enables staff members to disclose any possible problems they may have seen in the beginning. This can assist in seeing and resolving any issues before they grow worse and hurt the business more severely.
  • Increased Compliance: SFS's managed whistleblower service can assist in making sure that businesses adhere to the rules and laws that apply to their sector. This may aid in shielding the business from hefty fines and negative legal consequences.
  • Improved Reputation: SFS's managed whistleblower service can strengthen the business's standing among clients, consumers, and other stakeholders. Building trust and loyalty in this way can be beneficial for any business's long-term success.

Explore our Managed Whistle-blowing Services

SFS Managed Whistle-blowing Workflow

SFS’s managed whistle-blowing service provides a secure and confidential platform for employees to report incidents or suspicious activities. The service allows employees to submit confidential reports anonymously, which are then reviewed by an independent third-party service provider. After review, the reports are then sent to the appropriate management team for further action.


SFS will offer an anonymous, secure online venue for reporting wrongdoing. Employees can submit a confidential report to SFS on any potential misconduct, fraud, or other unethical behavior.
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The SFS team will go through any complaints or requests that have been made. SFS will look into the claims and compile supporting documentation.If the complaint is deemed valid, the SFS team will investigate the matter further.During the investigation, the whistle-blower’s identity will remain anonymous.
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SFS will contact the accused party and inform them of the complaint, giving them a chance to respond. We will then decide whether or not to pursue legal action or other disciplinary measures.
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After the investigation is complete, SFS will report all relevant findings to the appropriate authorities or stakeholders.
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SFS will provide feedback to the whistle-blower on the progress of the investigation and any action taken.
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SFS will follow up with the organization to ensure that corrective action is taken & if necessary, SFS can provide additional guidance and assistance to the organization to ensure appropriate resolution of the issue.
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